fenian|fenians in English


[Fe·ni·an || 'fiːnjən]

member of the Fenian movement (secret revolutionary society in Ireland and the U.S.)

Use "fenian|fenians" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fenian|fenians" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fenian|fenians", or refer to the context using the word "fenian|fenians" in the English Dictionary.

1. Here comes the little fenian , they'd jeer.

2. The Hunt report was thus seen on the Shankill as a craven cave-in to Fenian rioters.

3. Rare footage of Irish traditional supergroup Arcady featuring Frances Black performing Down By The Glenside (The Bold Fenian Men)at Scraggs Alley in Carlow,

4. An Abortive attempt at a psychology degree followed, then he jostled with the idea of becoming a drugs and drink counsellor.: Moreover, she remembers my Abortive but long-drawn-out attempt to learn standard Chinese after I started my job.: People who have Abortive polio or nonparalytic polio usually make a full recovery.: The American Fenians then organized an Abortive attack upon Canada, a